I Was a Woman Before I Became a Mom


I recently posted this meme that says, “I was a Woman before I became a Mom.”

The men don’t get it and that is why it’s important. They think, duh, don’t you have to be a woman to be a mom?! The ladies know exactly what I’m talking about. I will explain it for the men. When you become a Mom your role and responsibilities change and as a result you can lose yourself in your relationship. This can be different for different women but it may be:

1. You don’t make time for yourself like you used to because you feel guilty.
2. Maybe you don’t feel as sexy or desirable as you did before.
3. You’re tired and don’t think you should have to schedule time for fun.

Guys, this is where you come in! Yay! ?
Help your wife, girlfriend, mother of your children by letting her know how beautiful, amazing, sexy and hot she is. If you think she already knows then you need to step up your game because she probably doesn’t know or maybe she doesn’t fully believe it. TELL her how beautiful she is, buy some new lingerie for her without expectations (when she’s ready she will put it on for you), rub her shoulders, kiss her neck, hug her longer than usual, spend some time just talking or being together. If she used to paint but doesn’t any more go to a wine and painting event together. Slow down and enjoy her. Get to know her all over again. If you won’t let her have breakfast in bed because she might drop some crumbs, get over it and surprise her with breakfast in bed. Basically, pretend you are dating! ? Have FUN and try something new for the woman you love.

Being of Mother is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Growing a life inside of me and giving it birth is truly a miracle.The first time my kids called me Mom just lit up my heart. I wanted to pour all of my energy into their little lives and nurturing a family. I think most women feel this way. Sometimes though we forget that we still need to be ourselves and the woman that we were before they came along. How else will our children learn how to fully live life? I make taking care of myself a priority through exercise and healthy eating. More recently, I am getting back in the habit of taking time for myself and doing mini-facials, painting my nails and just being with me. I am also enjoying spending time with my husband just the two of us talking about our dreams like we used to do before we got married. It’s not easy balancing it all, and I am far from perfect. I believe it is important to take a deep breath and refocus when I find myself getting overwhelmed. Many of you might feel this way too that is why I am sharing this. You are not alone and I want you to remember this especially when you are doubting yourself, YOU ARE A GREAT MOM AND YOU ARE DOING AN AWESOME JOB!


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