Jumping Jacks by Kerry Marraffino


Jumping jacks are a classic gym class move! These are great for a quick warmup or to build endurance and to get your heart pumping.

If you can't jump or want something lower impact then do alternating leg taps to the side. Incorporating the arms overhead helps get your heart rate up.

Remember, feet go out as your arms go up over your head. To help you out here is a video of a jumping jack. You can do these in place of jump ropes if you are following the workouts in my book and don't have a jump rope. Here is a link to the videoWhile you are there please subscribe to my You Tube channel. 

This is one of the exercises in my new book, "31-Day Workout Challenge." You can find it on Amazon here.

As always, reach out if you have any questions. Comment if you have done it and let me know what you think of this move. 


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